Ready to Scale Your Brand on Social Media?

Are you interested in working with Hook Point?

Hook Point is here to partner with you in creating breakthrough content that aligns with your values, resonates with your audience, and sustainably grows your brand on social media.

Our team of experts use a data-driven framework to reverse-engineer successful content and apply these insights to our client’s social media strategies.

60+Billions views
Working from
18+Years of experience
100+Millions followers
Helped generate
1Billion in revenue

Our Results

Our process doesn't rely on your team size, budget, or experience in social media. Instead, our mission is to provide you with in-depth training, expert guidance, a customized strategy and a deep understanding of social media's intricacies.

To learn more about how Hook Point can help you see tangible results from your social media campaigns, schedule a call with our team.

We look forward to helping you reach your goals!

Over a decade of helping clients succeed

Case Study:

Tanner Leatherstein

Tanner consulted with the Hook Point team for help developing a social media strategy to increase awareness of his brand Pergai and grow his following.


Hook Point helped Tanner restructure his customer journey to maximize each touchpoint and retarget his advertising strategy highlighting the luxury experience of Pegai leather. They also taught him how to apply Viral Content Engineering to systematically test and produce social media content making Pegai leather top of mind for a wider audience.

ResultsTanner’s following skyrocketed from 2,000 to 600KOver 15 videos surpassing 1 million views and one video with over 9 million views
Case Study:


Brendan was approached by Yahoo with a challenge to increase content engagement, generate more traffic and higher brand engagement.


Optimized content marketing strategy, which was developed using extensive A/B testing, data mining and social algorithms to locate the highest-performing demographic & psychographic profiles.

ResultsDrastically higher engagement & traffic at a significantly lower costIt would have cost Yahoo $6,479,548 to reach the same amount of traffic, that we generated during the Q1’16 test for under $20k
Case Study:

Vishen Lakhiani / Mindvalley

With a strategic 20-year expansion plan in mind, Vishen turned to Hook Point to boost Mindvalley’s social media footprint


The Hook Point team helped train Mindvalley’s internal social media and communication department around the effective use of Viral Trends and storytelling to drive massive growth in their online audience, reach, and revenue.

ResultsMindvalley increased its video views across its platform to 80 million views in just a few months.Vishen’s Facebook page exploded from 500,000 followers to 2.3 million in the same time period.
Case Study:

Taylor Nation

Taylor Swift asked Brendan’s team to build a platform that would inspire, engage and empower her most loyal fans.


A platform that turned any Facebook page into a Taylor Swift fan site automatically, by pulling the fans' profile data through the Facebook API and embedding it into an impressive fully customizable "Taylor Nation" fan site.

ResultsSignificantly higher fan engagement & participation30,000+ sites built in a few short weeks900,000+ votes generated
Case Study:

Jana Bartlett

Fueled by an innate determination, Jana founded The School of Integrative Healing. She turned to Hook Point to develop a strategy to convert her content consumers into paying customers with a website makeover.


Hook Point streamlined Jana’s website to simplify the user experience and maximize workshop sign-ups. They also helped Jana optimize her Facebook Group to increase traffic to her landing pages.

Results80% of her workshop participants enrolled in the school, generating 6 figures in 6 daysOrganic views have quadrupled following implementation of the Viral Content Engineering system and Process Communication Model
Case Study:

Strike Social

This upstart social marketing brand turned to Hook Point to break through a saturated market.


The team developed a strategy to restructure the company for maximum performance and growth, creating strong hook points to attract new clients.

ResultsIncreased media spend from $300K to $100M for their clients to become a multi-million dollar market leaderAttracted top-level talent, investors, and advisors like Disney, XBox, and Fox
Case Study:

Rihanna Fan Iniciative

Rihanna & her team reached out to Brendan after seeing the success of the Taylor Swift fan initiative, with the task of building a viral and engaging fan community.


Facebook application that automatically merged a fan's name and photos within Rihanna’s album artwork in order to create a custom Facebook Cover

Results1,000,000+ fans participated in the application100,000,000+ people saw the Rihanna Branded Facebook Pages

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